Silver Adhesive
Thermal Adhesive
Arctic Silver Thermal
Adhesive IS NOT intended
to be used
between a CPU and the CPU heatsink.
On a CPU, only use
Arctic Silver Thermal Compound
Silver Adhesive Features:
Made with 99.8% pure micronized silver.
62% to 65% silver
content by weight.
Superior thermal conductivity.
Greater than 7.5
Temperature range:
- 40C to >150C (Bond strength is weakened at temperatures
below 0C due to crystallization.
electrical conductivity:
Arctic Silver Thermal Adhesive was formulated to conduct heat, not electricity.
NOTE: Even though
Arctic Silver Thermal Adhesive is specifically engineered
for high electrical
resistance, it should be keep away from electrical traces,
pins, and
leads. The cured adhesive is slightly capacitive and could
cause problems if it bridged two close-proximityelectrical paths.
RoHS Compliant.
Arctic Silver
Thermal Adhesive is sold in:
A set of Arctic Silver Thermal Adhesive consists of
two tubes
containing a total of 7 grams of adhesive
(3.5 grams of Part A and 3.5 grams of Part B)
and a plastic reusable
mixing wand.
Arctic Silver Thermal Adhesive is a permanent adhesive.
Components you attach with Arctic
Silver Thermal Adhesive
will stay attached
Arctic Silver Thermal Adhesive should be kept cold
and away from
UV light (sunlight and florescent lighting).
We recommend refrigerating the unused material
allowing it to come to room temperature prior to use.
Heat is a major issue in today’s computers and thermal grease
helps the heat dissipation from a CPU to a heatsink.
Thermal grease needs to be applied in thin layers to increase
heat transmission - the idea is to fill only the air gaps with the paste and nothing
Tech. Notes:
*Never reuse an old thermal pad.
*Before applying heat sink compound, Clean
CPU thoroughly (after grounding) with a solevent.
*Ensure that heat sink fits snug against
CPU, Pressure enhances heat transference.
*Spread Compound smoothly, ensuring all heat
dissipating surface is covered.
*Do not get compound on other areas